
We celebrated Scout’s adoption day last month, which for us is more significant than a birthday… because we don’t actually know when his birthday is. He was brought in as a stray, so his age was estimated based on the condition of his teeth, and the day he was brought in to the shelter was designated as his birthday. We still do some special things for his birthday, but his adoption day is far more important.

After all, that was the day that he adopted Birdie!

Scout has grown and flourished so much since I first brought him home, and we’ve both felt even happier since moving to a new apartment together where we have more space… and sunbeams! Scout never had sunbeams to nap in at our old apartment and always seemed to dislike the heat in general, but it seems he’s a typical cat after all, getting in at least a little bit of sunbathing every day.

He’s also completely fascinated by new our record player and loves to sit next to it to watch the vinyl spin when one is playing… or to stretch up on his hind legs to take a look. I finally finished building my first Gundam and its stand recently, and I wanted to display it on the record cover when it wasn’t being played… but Scout was way too interested in trying to steal the Gundam’s gun or tail parts, so I moved Aerial onto a high shelf in my bedroom instead lol.

After that dinner with my brother, I finally decided to do my research and found a great refurbished Audio Technica record player so that I could finally play the records I had preemptively bought in my own home. I really do love selecting a single vinyl to play the whole way through — even though I still love streaming services and my digital music player of choice (itunes) for creating playlists and discovering new songs. It’s just really satisfying to intentionally play music album by album again… and of course, to collect favourites.

This morning, we’re listening to the latest vinyl I’ve added to my collection: White Buffalo by Crown Lands. I’ve listened to this EP over and over since it was released and it’s utterly awesome every time. Highly recommend.

I write this entry before preparing to head out to the Writers of Ottawa meetup, coffee currently brewing. I’m about to make myself a mocha of sorts — my parents accidentally bought chocolate milk, and I have inherited it. They found out when my father went to pour milk into his cereal and got an unwelcome surprise lol. I find it too sweet to drink on its own, but it’s quite good when you add a bit to coffee, so that’s how I’m using it up.

Yesterday, auroras were actually visible all over Canada, and even further south into the States; I told my team at work that that would be the case… and then it completely slipped my mind to keep checking the sky after nightfall to catch sight of the lights. I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not setting alarms to remind myself, but there’s nothing to be done about that. I still remember seeing them once from my bedroom window at night when I was a teen. I’ll never forget that feeling of wonder…

Instead of watching for the northern lights, Scout and I took a bath. Well, I took a bath and Scout guarded me. He stayed at a distance at first, but curiosity got the better of him and he came up to the edge to look at the water, then spent the rest of the bath prowling along the edge of the bath, sitting up next to my shoulder like a little sentry upon a castle wall.

Ah. Coffee’s ready. I’ll end this entry with some recent photos of myself with and without makeup, and head off to do some writing/editing before the meetup. Take care, reader!

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