Little Struggles

I felt incredibly emo last night and listened to a short selection of songs that felt thematically appropriate while weeping before I finally pulled myself together and went to sleep. I was… already in bed. Lying with my head at the foot of the bed. Somehow, that makes sense to me when I’m already feeling out of sorts. I have a small assortment of decorative pillows at the foot of the bed for this purpose — viewing a familiar spot from a different perspective once in a while makes you think in a different way.

I woke up feeling markedly less emo and for some strange reason, instead of jumping straight into writing, I opened one of my sketchbooks and decided to draw a bit. My first attempt became what I can only describe as a falcon growing out of a person’s hand.

Which begged the question:


I couldn’t answer that question, so I gave up on that particular drawing and turned to a blank page, deciding to try and get back in the drawing-saddle so to speak by attempting a sketch of the back of my own left hand.

Not terrible. Though nowhere near as realistic as I used to be able to manage. If nothing else, it’s driven home the fact that I should really trim and even out my nails again today before work tomorrow. But I digress. This shaky bit of realism flies directly against the strangeness that is TE10 and my struggle to make the ending feel right.

Speaking of middling-level struggle, check out my new exercise equipment:

A gym membership was out of the question (not least because I probably wouldn’t step foot in the place on the regular), so instead I’ve started taking this flight of steps daily during my walk home instead of riding the escalator as I had been doing before. It’s a small thing, but I’m out of shape enough that the last flight of steps was a struggle to clear for the entire first week. And my thigh muscles would burn the day after. Once I can walk up the steps without any effort, I’ll start jogging up the steps.

Little things add up.

Oh, and Scout has a new favourite place to take naps, especially when I’m working at my desk: his carrier. He knows his carrier is used to bring him to the vet, and that doesn’t bother him one bit. He now regularly jumps in, flops onto his back, and snoozes there. I love my weird little cat.

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