Stay-Home Café

I’m starting to feel a little better today and am hoping to be able to go back into work tomorrow (or Thursday, at worst). In the meantime, a little writing, a little cleaning, and a bit of cuddling with Scout are the only truly pressing items on my to-do list.

Speaking of which, I have a new writing set-up in the kitchen: a laptop disconnected from the internet on my kitchen table so that when I go sit there just to write it feels almost like being in a little café. Scout even settles in to the reading chair behind me to keep me company while I work (instead of taking a nap in his lookout). Back in the early days of university I used to do the bulk of my writing on a desktop disconnected from the internet so I thought I’d bring my old writing method back and see how it felt. It does rather curb my tendency to obsessively rifle through a thesaurus to find words stuck on the tip of my tongue. Scout is meowing at me. Time to write.

It’s shaping up to be a cozy day at ホームBASS.

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