; ♪

After a lengthy brainstorming session, I made the decision to let go of my original domain name jeaology and continue to expand my home under this new one, puncprosody.

In keeping with the aim of an old blog entry in which I explained what the original domain name meant to me (now, obviously, no longer relevant), I figure I might as well do the same for this new name.

My original name and impetus for making a site was to create a space where I gave myself permission to experiment and display my work, however rough it might be. It had been pushback against an emotionally rough (or at the very least stifling) situation; an overcorrection based on someone else’s mistreatment and my own inability at the time to stand up for myself. I am thankfully at a very different place in my life now, and so I wanted to change my site’s name to reflect that. Instead of pushing back against something, the name I chose embodies the way I want my creations to feel.

Punctuation helps create the rhythm and musicality of prose — its prosody.

Truncating the word punctuation made for one hell of a good pun too.

Hey! What does that punc over there think it’s doing?

Creating an excellent flow, my friend. Shaking things up, gettin’ it just right.

At a certain point, I updated the site logo to read The Anthologist instead of Jeaology as well. That, I plan to keep for the foreseeable future, as I think it works well with the feel of PuncProsody.

I think that about covers it; よろしくお願いします♪

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